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Acoustic Signature Data and ISCMMS Data Collection

Ebor Computing developed the Acoustic Signature Data and ISCMMS* Data Collection (ASDIC) software for DSTO to produce large self-noise databases used in automated, real time detection of noise-faults in submarines and surface vessels.

This project involved:

  • Collaborative research with DSTO on spectral comparison, spectral clustering and automated noise-fault detection theory
  • Technical report writing
  • Signal processing
  • C++ programming
  • Java programming
  • Real-time programming
  • Client/server programming
  • Developing algorithms for parallel processing

ASDIC continuously acquires platform status and navigation sensor (ISCMMS) data and time-series data from the on-board sensors. The time-series data are then optionally logged to disk. Spectral data are created from the time-series data, by performing FFT's using one thread per sensor, and the spectral data can be logged to disk. The ISCMMS data can also be logged to disk. The current ISCMMS state can then be used to retrieve all spectral data for similar ISCMMS states from the baseline for comparison with the current spectral data to determine if a noise-fault has occurred. The results are then displayed in a GUI. In future, there will also be onshore support for adding logged data to the baseline database.

* Integrated Ship Control, Management and Monitoring System.


David O'Mara, Graham Gear, and Darryl R. McMahon, "Automated self-noise monitoring and acoustic fault detection", In Proceedings of Undersea Defence Technology (UDT), October 8-10, Cheju, Korea, Nexus Media.


ASDIC system overview.

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