Genie is a software package, written for the DSTO, for the
processing and display of active and passive sonar data. The
processing techniques Genie uses include:
- Beamforming - Conventional Time Domain, Conventional Frequency Domain, FWAN and
Adaptive Beamforming
- Spectral Analysis
- Array Shape Estimation
- Target Detection and Tracking
- Band Pass Filtering
- Narrowband Correlation.
Genie’s displays include:
- 2D colour plots of power data (in both Beam-Time, Beam-Frequency,
Time-Frequency, Range Doppler, and Latitude-Longitude formats)
- Line plots of time series and spectral data
- Audio playback.
The active programs are written in Java and the passive programs
are written in C++. The processing programs are implemented
as an algorithm test bed. The user can implement custom algorithms
and plug them into Genie to compare against other algorithms.
Ebor also created an alternative passive processing program,
in C++, to enable real-time data processing on a network of
SGI machines.
Programming techniques we used in Genie include:
- Multithreading
- Distributed processing
- User defined Dynamic Linked Libraries (DLLs)
- Private pseudo-colourmaps for each display window
The main control window for the passive processing program, showing the data processing structure.
A window from the passive display program showing the power output by the passive processing program in a frequency versus azimuth format.
The main control window for the active
processing program, showing the data processing structure.
A window from the active display program showing the power output from the active processing program in a polar range versus bearing format. |
The audio playback tool from the active display program. |