The MODRAY Underwater Sound Simulator models the underwater
environment and simulates propagation of sound through this
environment. MODRAY uses classical ray tracing theory to simulate
sound propagation, producing sound pressure time series at
one or more receivers. The environment model can include:
- The composition of the ocean floor e.g. mud over clay-silt;
- A sound speed profile that models the effect of pressure,
salinity and temperature on the speed of sound;
- Noise in the environment such as wind, rain, shrimp and
distant shipping; and
- Deflection of sound due to marine life, wave motion and unevenness of the ocean floor.
MODRAY can model an arbitrary number of sound sources, reflectors
and receivers stationed on platforms located anywhere. It
can also model the motions of platforms, sound sources, reflectors
and receivers. MODRAY has been used extensively to determine
the effectiveness of underwater communications algorithms
and has recently been used in telemetry trials.
MODRAY was developed in conjunction with DSTO. MODRAY was written using FORTRAN and Java, and runs on both Microsoft Windows and Solaris platforms.
Screen shot: the MODRAY Plan View
of a Simulation |
Screen shot: MATLAB
plot of a MODRAY time series for a single receiver |