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Sonar Capability Assessment Tool

The Sonar Capability Assessment Tool (SCAT) was developed in collaboration with DSTO (Maritime Operations Division) for the analysis of various sonar systems capabilities. It is written in Java and makes calls to a sonar model module which was written in Fortran 77. This sonar module was also modified to conform to Y2K compliance as well as been able to communicate with SCAT. SCAT executes the sonar model with the specified sonar parameters (including environmental parameters) and plots the results on 2-D plots as well as polar plots (the plot is updated as new data is available).

The following screen captures are of a linear probability of detection plot and a polar probability of detection plot.

A part of SCAT was the Bathy Data Analyser. This tool was also written in Java and is used for plotting of bathometric data and the manipulation of the data by removing and adding data points. It plots the original bathy data in blue and overlays a sub-sampled data in red. The sonar model can only take a maximum of 60 points so this program allows the user to add and delete points so that the sub-sampled data represents as close as possible to the original bathy data. The following screen capture is of the Bathy Data Analyser showing the user modified data points.


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